Alkaline Benefits

One of the most important things in life is our health, without it we cannot achieve our maximum potential. Alkaline water helps us improve our quality of life.

The three main benefits are:

1- Powerful Antioxidant

People always hear that antioxidants are good for us but, the question is why. Antioxidants are powerful molecules that are excellent for neutralizing free radicals in the body. Free radicals are destructive agents that cause rapid aging and many forms of  different diseases. Since alkaline water is full of antioxidants, it is very good for your immune system in helping to maintain optimum health.

2- Balances your body’s pH level

Many people have extremely acidic diets from soft drinks, fast food & processed foods. These types of food deposit acidic waste into our bodies which builds up over time and creates an ideal environment for diseases of all kinds to thrive. Drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.5-10 helps us maintain an environment in our bodies that is disease preventative. It may take years depending on how acidic your body is, but alkaline water, because of its properties, will flush acid waste out of your system. Alkaline water is meant to bring your body to a balanced pH by counteracting many of the acidic foods people eat every day.

3- Has a different molecular cluster size

Water is clustered, meaning that each individual molecule of H2O bonds together instead of remaining as a single molecule. Tap water contains very large clusters of up to 13 molecules where as our alkaline water contains as little as 5 molecules per cluster. These smaller clusters improve your body’s ability to absorb water making you more hydrated and improving solubility and permeability. Since this micro-clustered water is more easily absorbed you regain energy faster and it helps alleviate headaches faster as well. This also adds the extra benefit of exceptional taste. A common remark regarding the taste of Alkaline Water is that it tastes smoother than conventional water.



Proper Health starts with the correct acid-alkaline balance in your body. The pH level (acid – alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies.

Extended acid imbalances of any kind can overwhelm your body, and lead to health complications. Just as the body rigorously regulates its temperature, it also strives to preserve a very narrow pH range – especially in the blood. As a matter of fact, the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a balanced blood pH of 7 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity severely interrupts all cellular activities and functions – interfering with life itself.

When the pH of the body gets out of balance (too acidic), we often experience low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches and pains, and even more serious disorders and diseases. This can often overwhelm your body, and lead to health complications.


The cycle of acidity begins primarily as a result of three things:

  1. Ingesting acids. Eating too many acidic foods like processed sugar, meats, dairy, coffee, alcohol, etc. creates an overly acidic environment in the body. Too much intake of such acids can overload the body´s ability to neutralize them.
  2. Creation of acids. Pathogens and microforms create acidifying toxins in the body. As the body becomes more and more acidic, bad bacteria, yeasts and other microforms flourish in the body. Since these organisms are living, they eat as well as recreate, leaving many toxins in the body. These toxins, aside from contaminating the body, are very acidic.
  3. Improper elimination of acids. Not all acids are the same; some are weak and some are strong. Weak acids like citric acid are much easier to neutralize than strong acids like uric acid.

The body uses many systems in order to buffer acids including breath, mineral reserves, and fat. When the body’s buffering systems become compromised, excess acids build up. The process of reestablishing an acid-alkaline balance begins with proper diet and nutrition. This includes eating a multitude of alkaline foods (vegetables, low sugar fruits, etc.), super hydration (drinking plenty of alkaline water that is ionic and structured), and proper supplementation.


A proper pH balance in the body begins with apt hydration. Water is the most crucial factor in establishing and maintaining a proper acid-alkaline balance. Since your body is 70% water, it is extremely important to constantly replenish your body’s supply.

The body loses 2.5 liters of water every day just through normal bodily functions. The quality of water you drink is just as important as the quantity of water you drink. The water you put in your body must be able to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating by flushing out potential threats to the health of your cells.

Water must also transport minerals and nutrients required for cell metabolism, and remove any substances that could damage cells. Ideally, the water you drink should have a pH between 9 and 10, and you should be drinking 3-4 liters of it daily to balance out any acidity in your body.

In order to hydrate your body optimally, you need to drink water that is alkaline and ionized. Alkaline water helps to neutralize stored acids and toxins. Once these acids are neutralized, they can then be removed by the body. Alkaline water containing ionic minerals also acts as a conductor of electrochemical activity from cell to cell.

If your body becomes overly acidic, it could also steal alkaline compounds from your bones, leaving them weaker and less healthy. Bones are the “storage tank” for calcium, which controls the pH balance of your blood. This may put you at a higher risk for osteoporosis due to a low level of calcium in the bones.


When water passes through the filters in our system it breaks up the clusters of water molecules into smaller clusters. This makes it easier for your body to absorb so you stay better hydrated by drinking alkaline filtered water rather than just tap or bottled water.

Naturally occurring in our bodies there are such thing called “oxygen free radicals” which are missing electrons and in order to fill that void they will steal them from your body´s healthy normal cells. Drinking alkaline water, rich with antioxidants, provides extra electrons to take without having to take from healthy cells

Our system uses a series of different media to make your water more alkaline rather than using electronic technology like many other brands. Our media works much the same as the earth’s natural process of filtering water by passing through layers that remove harmful contaminants and adds only the most beneficial minerals and nutrients. So we save you money, energy, and the hassle of having to replace ridiculously expensive broken electronic parts.

Alkaline water has been around for thousands of years, but scientists have only recently acknowledged its benefits. With our system this disease fighting water can now be naturally produced in our homes.



A common remark regarding the taste of Alkaline Water is that it tastes smoother than conventional water.
This is because of the molecule cluster size and shape. Since it is small and shaped in a manner that is more conductive to our bodies, it feels smooth because it is.

It also does not fill you up and bloat you the way conventional water often does when you drink a lot at once.

Now more than ever drinking
the necessary amount of water is
easier with our systems.

Adults and children will gain
great benefits!

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